You're Not Out To Become just another "home inspector."

You're Out Building An inspection Empire.

Fast-Track Your Home Inspection Business—and never look back

As a one-man inspection shop, you're looking to take your business to the next level...

But when you're stuck grinding out inspections all day, finding time to build your empire (getting the phone to ring, hire new employees) feels impossible. It's a vicious cycle of always working but never getting ahead.

And at some point, you start wondering to yourself, "Is this as good as my home inspection empire will ever get?" Or worse: "Would I be better off just working for 'the man'?"

With the "Inspector's Express Pass," you'll toss those worries out the window as you fly down the home inspection expressway. No more wasting time on ineffective marketing. No more feeling stuck. Just a clear, powerful marketing system, that takes you from "home inspector" to inspection empire builder.

How The Inspector's Express Pass Works

1. Create your marketing kit and get all your marketing under one roof

2. Mail Realtors your Inspector Marketing Kit And "Wow" Them

3. Grow your business on your terms (4 PT. turnkey Marketing SYstem)

"A marketing kit that focuses on the benefits that your products and services provide, and how you can solve the problems your customers are facing, is one of the most persuasive tools you have to convince a client to take a chance on your business." - John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing.

"Working with Seneca has helped my business tremendously! After the initial phone consultation, he went to town! Seneca put all the words I had in mind in a way that only he knows how. I would definitely recommend Seneca to every entrepreneur..." - Rico Sandoval
Home Inspection Business Owner, Orange County, CA

Kick Your Home Inspection Business Into Overdrive

Your purchase of the Inspector's Express Pass Includes (Annual Subscription):

  • 6-Page Custom Marketing Kit (Physical Copy and Digital Download) - "Wow" realtors and get your foot in the door (without ever stepping inside an office). Includes six customized pages. Page choices include: Difference summary, FAQ, testimonials, company story, and more...

  • 100 Custom Designed Presentation Folders - Delivered in a branded presentation folder with professional letterhead, your marketing kit signals to realtors you're a polished, reliable inspector. Your annual subscription includes 100 custom branded presentation folders to get you started.

  • 4-Point Turnkey Marketing System- Complete marketing system includes 2 powerful sales letters and 2 email templates—so you can grow your business on YOUR TERMS

  • Full Geographic Protection From Other Inspectors - Once you own the pass (annual basis), it's yours—which means no one else has access to it (get ahead and stay there).

  • Marketing Support - Full marketing support (email and telephone) to help you along your journey to "inspection empire builder."

  • *Bonus E-book: 50 Ways To Market Your Home Inspection Business - Take your business to the next level with these 50 unique marketing ideas.

The Inspector’s Express Pass is charged to you on an annual basis (see price below).

Fly Down The Inspection Expressway For Less Than Your Daily Cup Of Starbucks

One of the best parts of the Inspector's Express Pass is the price...

Just take a look at the math:

Say you purchase the Inspector’s Express Pass, and after one month you land six new inspections.

At a market rate of $300-450 per inspection, that’s an extra $1800 ($300 X 6) in your pocket each month (on the low end).

Do this for a year ($1800 X 12), and you have an extra $21,600 worth of inspections on your calendar without ever stepping inside a realtor’s office.

That’s an EXTRA $108,000 over the course of five years. And this is a conservative estimate…

How much would that be worth to you each year? Ten thousand? Five thousand…?

Well, with the Inspector’s Express Pass, you make an annual payment of just $895. That comes out to just $2.48 a day. That’s less than your average cup of coffee from Starbucks (average coffee is $2.75).

Fast-track your inspection success—or your money back (100% Fast-Track Money Back Guarantee)

I’m so confident you’ll love the Inspector’s Express Pass

That after 60 days, if you’re not completely blown away by the results you’re getting (more free time with your family, more clients, etc.), then simply return it for a full refund.

As part of your “100% Fast-Track Guarantee,” just send me an email, and I’ll refund your money that same day. You can even keep the marketing kit.

No more spinning your wheels. No more worry. Just more free time—and a calendar that’s spilling over with new clients (get ready to hire more inspectors…).

You’re now standing at the crossroads. To the left is the same slow road you’ve been driving on. To the right is a road few inspectors go down. This road will put you on the path to becoming more than just another “home inspector.” It’s the road that leads to “Inspection Empire Builder.”

Choosing the right road makes all the difference. I’m hoping you choose the right road and join me today.

Purchase the Inspector’s Express Pass today by clicking on the secure payment button below.

As soon as you purchase the Inspector’s Express Pass, you’ll receive a welcome email from (Seneca@mainstreetmarketer) along with a download link to your bonus e-Book (50 Ways To Market Your Home Inspection Business).

This email will also give you the details on how we’ll get started together.

Thanks, Seneca.

And best of all, it's a tText